
What are the benefits of professional photography for a brand?

Images and video content are one of the most valuable tools for getting better results from your content. Therefore, hiring a professional photographer is worth thinking about when you are investing in your marketing and in your brand.

Did you know that visitors are 80% more likely to engage with content if it’s paired with an image and 64% more likely to remember what they read or heard?

Here are four benefits of taking professional photos for your company brand building:

Generates credibility

The photographs give an idea of what your brand is about without neglecting the care and aesthetics necessary for them to trust it. Basically, you are allowing people to see the essence of the business while you refine certain details to make it more attractive, without misleading the consumer.

Contributes to brand building

Professional photographs are extremely important for brand and identity building because brand photography generates a very important first impression of your brand. So, to make your business look it’s best, you’ll want to have well-crafted photos that will keep your business looking tip-top across all of your marketing material over time.

The photos you choose represent your business

Professional product photography not only testifies to the quality of your product but also reflects the credibility of your brand image.  The cost of professional high-quality photography may tempt some business owners to take the photos themselves or attempt to find a lower cost alternative. It’s important to remember that the pictures that you choose will represent your business. If those images are poor quality, this is the impression that you will give to your prospective customers. First impressions count, so it’s vital to get the best photos for your website.

Photos are content marketing

You may have already heard the phrase “content is king” as an axiom related to business marketing online. This has been true for a long while, but many business owners don’t realize that their website photos are part of their content. The professional photos taken for your business are versatile assets that can be used to promote your brand on social media. They can also be used in articles, blog posts, brochures, and other promotional materials to enhance your marketing efforts.

Did you know that 22% of products that are sold online are returned because the items look different than the photos? Taking professional product photography that tells the right story sets your customer’s expectations about what they are looking at. It also removes their doubts that the product will not meet their expectations.

If you want to inspire your audience to purchase your products, leverage your product image quality to the fullest. See and savor how professional images of your products could make a big difference for your brand.

Good luck with your photography!

/ Nicole Westh

Nicole gör praktik hos The Tribe Lounge under våren 2023.

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